Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Best Advice of the Week...I think

Well, well, well.

Much to nobody's surprise, gas prices have hit $4.00 a gallon here in the States. I don't know if it is more or less outside of this cesspool known as "Michigan", we seem to get the plunger handle to the proverbial poop chute before you all now, so, I'm guessing "no".

If not yet, it's coming. And not "coming" in a way we all like.

Anyway. As I was driving from locale to locale doing my sales schlep thang, I came across a sign here in West Michigan (Hubs Inn, for those that are local) that spoke volumes to me. After you see the research done, you'll understand it and appreciate it even more.

The perspective I gained when I saw this sign in person was mind boggling. I figured the scale had finally tipped. Kind of like another day in my life.

The day when the Canadian dollar, all Monopoly Money looking-like, was worth more than our dollar, and I marched right into that store that wouldn't ever accept Canadian coins because it was always worth less. Well lo and behold the day came and when I presented the quarter, that toothless wonder said to me, 'Sorry, no Canadian money...", I told her to shut that pie hole of hers and take it, because she was making more money now...or the financial equivalent of saying, "fuck off, hillbilly and get me some ripple."

Imagine my feeling then when I saw this beer sign. The day had finally arrived where it was now cheaper for me to stay at home and get plastered than drive anywhere, paving the way for me to get fired and join the thousands of other Michigan folks that are unemployed, because I am all about solidarity. Fight the Power, yo!

Think about this though. We Human Beings have become more efficient than machines officially. How you ask?

A study found that the average American drives roughly 12,000 miles per year. Americans use an average of 706 gallons of gas annually in those vehicles.

That means on average, Americans get 17 miles per gallon in our vehicles.

Another study by the American Beer Institute found that Americans walk 900 miles in a year. Americans drinks an average of 22 gallons (2,816 ounces) of beer a year.

That means, on average, Americans get approximately 41 miles per gallon.

Think about that. Pretty freaking efficient if you ask me.

My point?

Do what the sign says. Drink...don't drive, the way Mother Nature intended.

Have a cold one (or ten) and a great day!

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