Monday, May 12, 2008

The Kardashians can go away now

The late Robert Kardashian was a prominent businessman and non-practicing attorney famous for being there for O.J. Simpson when he needed him the most, as a volunteer member of the legal "dream team" comprised to get The Juice off the hook for chopping Nicole and Ron's heads off.

Now, Kardashian's "pole dancing, lower-yourself-onto-a-cock on video" daughters, everyone's favorite (mostly Joel McHale's and E's "The Soup's) "dead from the neck up" sisters, are putting on their philanthropy jewels for the sake of Burma.

Yep. I mean, who knows third world plight better than these three? With their closets full of clothes, their expensive cars and the fact that nobody on the planet matters more to them, than them. Burma had better send these three a gold plated stripper pole (for the two skinny ones, the fat one can have a 2 lb. burrito), because I can see the money rolling in after viewing this farcical attempt at a Public Service Announcement.

It would be more from the heart if I knew what they were trying to accomplish here or if they weren't reading from a script, much like their show. Well, that and it would help if they knew where Burma was on a map.

Thesis my ass.

Look. I am all for celebrities trying to use their star power to help people in need. But, this just screams "bullshit".

What do you think?

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